Monday, July 12, 2010

Naturally prevent stroke By Godwin Ihesie

IN disease prevention, Doctors, Healers, and priests should be seen as guides and teachers only. For the attainment of happiness, which first of all lies in total and radiant health is a personal responsibility and therefore an essential duty which must be fulfilled by an individual himself. He or she alone must strive at all times to learn the rules of healthy living as prescribed my mother nature-in order to live in harmony with them. Also, it is an individual's responsibility to learn how to take care of the physical body in wholesome manner and not to wait until the disease like stroke compels him or her to value importance of health.
In the infinite wisdom of the Most High - the Creator of all the world, we find, spreading throughout all the geographical zones of the world, the numerous healing aids i.e., the preventive and the healing forces of nature: the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, etc. Learning to understand and making beneficial use of them is part of living in harmony with nature which ultimately assists in regenerating and rebuilding our bodies and thus helping in the prevention of their weakness and their predisposition to diseases like the paralytic stroke.
Most of our present day degenerative disease including the cerebrovascular accident (stroke) stems from the hither-to "wrong spiritual direction" and the total disregard to nature's wise principles or the laws of nature which are the expression of the will of the Creator.
Many holistic health scientists have noted that diets or foods for nourishing the physical body does indeed affects the state and the quality of our minds and thinking in a particular manner. They believe that the narrowing of horizon and the present day lack of interest in spiritual life which is on the increase among the people stems from the hitherto overemphasis on the consumption of red meat in particular and other refined foods - white flour products, white sugar, tinned foods and those that are contaminated with man-made chemicals, over-cooked foods loaded with excess salts, foods and stimulants like coffee, alcoholic beverages fizzy drinks, etc.
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These devitalised foods are known to help energize and support our physical bodies for a busy intellectual and worldly activities, they also activate our nerves for pleasure seeking - which increase our quest for excessive materialism and the eventual loss of interest in spiritual matters.
Furthermore, the nutritionally dead foods generate lots of morbid metabolic wastes that irritate the central nervous systems and the nerves. Such toxic end products of metabolism also over-tax the bodily organs, upsets the glandular system - thus causing inner disharmony, anger, agitation, restlessness and placing the entire physical body under constant high tension - a factor that is well known to cause degenerative diseases and stroke.
For the effective prevention of stroke like any other degenerative disease, Jonathan Swift, once noted that: "The best doctors in the world are Dr.
Diet, Dr. Quite, Dr. Merryman."
A sensible diet that will best provide the body with the necessary nourishment should consist of about 80 per cent alkaline-forming foods: deep green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, fruits, sprouted seeds, honey, molasses, grains like corn, soy products, millet, etc and about 20 per cent of acid-forming foods: Flour-based products, beans, legumes, white meat - poultry, sea foods, grains, tubers, etc. a sensible and wholesome diet should maintain the alkaline acid ratio of the blood and body to approximately in a 4:1 ratio. In this way, the body is provided with adequate nutrients such as minerals like calcium, selenium, Vitamin like C, E, B6, essential fatty acids, enzymes, phytochemicals, etc, that will help prevents:
the accumulation of excess fats and cholesterol, excessive generation of "free radicals" which is capable of causing cell-oxidation and the weakening of their arteries carrying oxygen to the brain.
accumulating of nerve irritating morbid waste products of metabolism - which promotes inner disharmony.
Positive thinking, hearty laughter, heartfelt happiness in every situation of existence brings inner calmness and tranquility - thus counteracting inner agitation and nervous tension which usually tightens the blood vessels and also impedes the free flow of blood to the brain.)
From clinical observations and scientific researches, it have been noted that.
I) Periodic fasting (i.e. systemic detoxification) using the juices extracted from citrus fruits (grapefruits, oranges, diluted lemon juice), Pineapple, paw-paw or coconut water and the milk helps the body in ridding itself of accumulated morbid waste products of metabolism that often render the control of high blood pressure with drugs or natural remedies less effective. In addition, the intake of the citrus fruits supplies the body with Vitamin C and other antioxidant nutrients that works together with Vitamin E and the minerals like the zinc and selenium to give adequate protection to the blood vessels supplying blood to the heart and the brain cells - thus lessening their susceptibility to cerebrovascular accident (stroke).
2) Pineapple and paw-paw contains bromelin and papain respectively - the proteolytic enzymes that helps break up any blood clot or prevent their formation within the body. Taking these fruits as a "mono diet" or fasting on them exclusively for definite period of time is one of the means of preventing stroke.
Eating the pulp, the rind of fresh paw-paw together with about 15 to 20 seeds of the fruit on an empty stomach-before the breakfast time helps in strengthening the blood carrying vessels and protect them from any form of rupture or accident.
3) A regular intake of Aloe Vera gel helps in clearing the blood vessels of any fatty deposits, cholesterol or blood clots resulting from internal bleeding.
The gel of fresh Aloe Vera helps in preventing cerebral thrombosis or cerebral emboli that often results in stroke.
4) Spreading one to two teaspoons of ground CAYENNE PEPPER on meals and taking this regularly helps to keep the blood in fluid state by assisting in clearing the blood vessels of any deposit of morbid waste product of metabolism that could hamper an efficient blood circulation tos the heart and the brain.
Hypertensive patients who take ground cayenne pepper regularly suffer cerebrovascular accident (stroke).
5) Studies have shown that the intake of GARLIC and MISTLETOE lower high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol in the blood, dissolves any form of clots or prevents their formation and also promotes the circulation of blood to the brain and thus prevents the susceptibility to stroke.
6) The intake of other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular tonic herbs like the Billy goat weed extract, lemon juice/garlic and honey extract, garlic/onions in wine and herbs like yarrow, mothers wort, hawthorn berries kep and leathin helps in reducing the incidence of stroke especially among the hypertensive victims.
For those already down with paralytic stroke taking the blood cleansing herbs like, vervain, chickweed, catnip, hysoop, nettle, sage and as infusions will speed up recovery. Administering any of the above, preventive remedies at the same time will equally enhance quick recovery.
To restore speech defects in stroke patients, an infusion made from speedwell, St. John's wort, the tincture made from Calamus Root is giving to the patient regularly.
For memory lapses associated with paralytic stroke, the regular intake of the teas made from chickweed, Gingko biloba, speewell and plenty of onions/garlic in wine helps to bring the memory back.
To restore the use of the paralyzed part of the body in those that have the attack of mild stroke, a good exercise guided by a competent naturopath is particularly helpful with the external massage of the affected part with an ointment made from garlic ginger, cayenne or with raw ground garlic extracted in mustard oil.

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